陈仲生,男,1977年8月生,安徽桐城人,中共党员,博士,特聘教授,硕士生导师,英国南安普顿大学访问学者,曾享受军队优秀专业技术人才三类岗位津贴,荣立三等功1次。现为IEEE会员、国家自然科学基金委同行评议专家、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心论文评价同行专家、中国振动工程学会转子动力学专委会常务理事、中国振动工程学会故障诊断专委会理事、湖南省科技奖励评审专家、湖南省科技专家库专家、湖南省机械故障诊断与测控技术学会副理事长、湖南省自然科学基金委会评专家、湖南省青少年科技创新大赛评审专家库专家、浙江省自然科学基金委外省同行评议专家、江西省科技专家库专家、长沙市发展与改革委员会专家库专家。担任IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics、Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures、Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science、IET signal processing、Sensors and Actuators A、中国科学、振动工程学报、航空学报等国内外近20个知名期刊的审稿人。
E-mail:chenzs_hut@sina.com, chenzswind@gmail.com
主要从事状态监控与故障诊断领域的教学科研工作,指导学生获湖南省 “挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖1项,长沙市大学生创新创业大赛优胜奖1项,国防科大“长城信息杯”学员科技创新竞赛二等奖2项、三等奖1项,湖南省优秀硕士论文、国防科技大学优秀硕士论文各1篇。
6)机械设备健康维护湖南省重点实验室开放基金项目,基于嵌入式光纤传感的高速旋转叶片在线监测方法研究、2013/01- 2014/12。
[1] 2007年度军队科技进步一等奖,排名第七
[2] 2014年度军队科技进步二等奖,排名第六
[1] 陈仲生,何静,刘建华,张昌凡.一种转速非恒定时叶片振动叶端定时在线监测方法及装置.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201711313094.8.
[2] 陈仲生、何静、刘建华、张昌凡.一种低延迟自供电压电发电同步电荷提取电路.实用新型专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201821238933.4.
[3] 陈仲生,夏叶媚,何静,盛浩,胡雷,刘建华,张昌凡.一种谐振式压电发电系统.实用新型专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201922165285.5.
[4] 陈仲生,盛浩,何静,夏叶媚,胡雷,刘建华,张昌凡.一种振动与温差能混合收集管理电路.实用新型专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201922165284.0.
[5] 陈仲生,杨拥民,胡政,林军,徐海龙,胡海峰,官凤娇.非均匀欠采样叶端定时振动信号重构方法及其装置.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201510882079.X.
[6] 陈仲生,程聪聪,杨拥民,石宏武,郭彬.一种振动压电俘能系统耦合建模方法.发明专利(已授权),专利号: ZL 201510418530.2.
[7] 陈仲生,郭彬,杨拥民,程聪聪,石宏武.一种旋转非线性压电俘能结构中确定磁铁间距的方法.发明专利(已授权),专利号: ZL 201510418553.3.
[8] 陈仲生,杨拥民,李聪,尹剑飞.一种齿轮箱嵌入式状态监测与故障诊断系统.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL200910226789.1.
[9] 陈仲生,程聪聪,石宏武,杨拥民,刘子牛.宽频带压电发电用非线性接口电路.实用新型专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201520926035.8.
[10] 杨拥民,陈仲生,胡政,林军,徐海龙,胡海峰,官凤娇.欠采样叶端定时振动信号重构方法及其装置.发明专利(已授权),专利号: ZL201510887339.2.
[11] 杨拥民,陈仲生,胡政,杨定新,胡海峰,谢勇,郭彬.一种高速叶片欠采样叶端振动信号的无混叠重构方法.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201310460647.8.
[12] 杨拥民,陈仲生,胡政,陆智淼,骆彦廷,葛哲学,杨定新.一种双稳压电悬臂梁振子装置.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201010543731.2.
[13] 杨拥民,陈仲生,钱彦岭,骆彦廷,胡政,王磊.一种自调谐磁耦合共振无线能量传输系统及其自调谐方法.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201310219911.9.
[14] [6]杨拥民,骆彦廷,陈仲生,钱彦岭,胡政,王磊.一种磁耦合共振无线能量传输系统功率匹配设计方法.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL201310219889.8.
[15] 温熙森,杨拥民,陈仲生,胡政,刘浩,葛哲学,邱静,胡茑庆,刘冠军,陶利民,李岳.一种轴承故障自诊断方法及装置.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL200710192481.0.
[16] 温熙森,杨拥民,杨定新,胡政,李岳,张晓飞,宋立军,宋建华,陈仲生,葛哲学,徐永成.基于介电常数测量的在线油液监测传感器及其系统.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL200810143996.6.
[17] 温熙森,杨拥民,胡政,宋立军,葛哲学,杨定新,陈仲生,邱静,胡茑庆,刘冠军,蔡畅,王兴伟.基于信息融合的柴油动力装置故障诊断系统.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL200710192480.6.
[18] 胡永攀,陈循,陶利民,陈仲生,董睿,徐小军,李岳.一种用于主动式波浪补偿起重机的液压驱动系统.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL200910226788.7.
[19] 胡永攀,陈循,陈仲生,陶利民,董睿,徐小军,李岳,何平.一种简易海浪运动模拟平台装置.发明专利(已授权),专利号:ZL200910044706.7.
[1] 陈仲生.压电式振动能量俘获理论与方法.国防工业出版社, 2017,10.
[2] 葛哲学,陈仲生. Matlab时频分析技术及其应用,人民邮电出版社, 2006, 01.
[3] 陈仲生.基于Matlab7.0的统计信息处理,湖南科学技术出版社, 2005,01.
[4] Zhongsheng Chen, Yemei Xia, Jing He, Yeping, Xiong, Gang Wang. Elastic-electro-mechanical modeling and analysis of piezoelectric metamaterial plate with a self-powered synchronized charge extraction circuit for vibration energy harvesting. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 143: 106824.(SCI 1区、TOP期刊)
[5] Zhongsheng Chen, Jing He, Jianhua Liu, YepingXiong. Switching delay in self-powered nonlinear piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting circuit: mechanisms, effects, and solutions. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2019, 34(3): 2427-2440. (SCI 1区、TOP期刊、ESI高被引)
[6] Zhongsheng Chen, Jing He, Gang Wang. Vibration bandgaps of piezoelectric metamaterial plate with local resonators for vibration energy harvesting. Shock and Vibration, 2019(2019): Article ID 1397123. (SCI)
[7] Zhongsheng Chen, Jing He, Chi Zhan. Undersampled blade tip-timing vibration reconstruction under rotating speed fluctuation: uniform and nonuniform sensor configurations. Shock and Vibration, 2019(2019): Article ID 8103216.(SCI)
[8] Zhongsheng Chen, Jianhua Liu, Chi Zhan, Jing He, Weimin Wang. Reconstructed order analysis-based vibration monitoring under variable rotation speed by using multiple blade tip-timing sensors. Sensors, 2018, 18(10): 3235.(SCI 1区)
[9] Xin Tang, Zhongsheng Chen, Yue Li, Yongmin Yang. Compressive sensing-based electrostatic sensor array signal processing and exhausted abnormal debris detecting. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 105: 404–426.(SCI 1区)
[10] Congcong Cheng, Zhongsheng Chen, YepingXiong, Hongwu Shi,Yongmin Yang. A high-efficiency, self-powered nonlinear interface circuit for bi-stable rotating piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting with nonlinear magnetic force. International Journal of applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2016, 51: 235–248.(SCI)
[11] Zhongsheng Chen, Bin Guo, Congcong Cheng, Hongwu Shi, Yongmin Yang. Chaotic dynamics-based analysis of broadband piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting enhanced by using nonlinearity. Shock and Vibration, 2016(2016): Article ID 3584740.(SCI)
[12] Congcong Cheng, Zhongsheng Chen, Hongwu Shi, Ziniu Liu, YepingXiong. System-level coupled modeling of piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting systems by joint finite element and circuit analysis. Shock and Vibration, 2016(2016): Article ID 2413578.(SCI)
[13] Zhongsheng Chen, Bin Guo, YepingXiong, Congcong Cheng, Yongmin Yang. Melnikov-method-based broadband mechanism and necessary conditions of nonlinear rotating energy harvesting using piezoelectric beam. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2016, 27(18): 2555–2567.
[14] Zhongsheng Chen, Bin Guo, Yongmin Yang, Congcong Cheng. Metamaterials- based enhanced energy harvesting: A review. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2014, 438: 1-8.(SCI)
[15] Zhongsheng Chen, Bin Guo, YantingLuo, Yongmin Yang. Numerical investigations into the effects of multiple parameters on nonlinear piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014: 604704.(SCI)
[16] Chen Zhongsheng, Yang Yongmin, Guo Bin, Hu Zheng. Blade damage prognosis based on kernel principal component analysis and grey model using sub-sampled tip-timing signals. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2014, 228(17): 3178–3185.(SCI)
[17] Zhongsheng Chen, Xin Tang, Zheng Hu, Yongmin Yang. Investigations into sensing characteristics of circular thin-plate electrostatic sensors for gas path monitoring. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2014, 27(4): 812-820.(SCI 1区)
[18] Zhongsheng Chen, Yongmin Yang, Zhimiao Lu, YantingLuo. Broadband characteristics of vibration energy harvesting using one-dimensional phononic piezoelectric cantilever beams. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2013, 410: 5-12.(SCI)
[19] Zhongsheng Chen, Yongmin Yang, ZhengHu ,QinghuZeng. Fault prognosis of complex mechanical systems based on multi-sensor mixture hidden semi-Markov models. ProcIMechE Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 2013, 227(8): 1853-1863.(SCI)
[20] Chen, Zhongsheng, Yang, Yongmin, Xie, Yong, Guo, Bin, Hu, Zheng. Non-contact crack detection of high-speed blades based on principal component analysis and Euclidian angles using optical-fiber sensors. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 2013, 201: 66-72.(SCI)
[21] Zhongsheng Chen, Yongmin Yang. Fault Diagnostics of Helicopter Gearboxes Based on Multi-Sensor Mixtured Hidden Markov Models. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2012, 134: 031010(SCI)
[22] Z. S Chen, Y. M Yang, Zheng Hu. A Technical Framework and Roadmap of Embedded Diagnostics and Prognostics for Complex Mechanical Systems in Prognostics and Health Management Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY, 2012, 61, (2): 314-322.(SCI 1区)
[23] 陈仲生、杨拥民.悬臂梁压电振子宽带低频振动能量捕获的随机共振机理研究.物理学报, 2011, 60(7): 074301/1-074301/7. (SCI)
[24] Chen Z S, Yang Y M, Hu Z. Detecting and predicting early faults of complex rotating machinery based on cyclostationary time series model. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2006, 128: 666-671.(SCI)
[25] Xiaodong Zhang, Fei Chen, Zhongsheng Chen, Gang Wang. Membrane-type smart metamaterials for multi-modal sound insulation. Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, 144(6): 3514.(SCI)
[26] Xiaodong Zhang, Huile Zhang, Zhongsheng Chen, Gang Wang. Simultaneous realization of large sound insulation and efficient energy harvesting with acoustic metamaterial. Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, 27(10): 105018.(SCI)
[27] HailongXu, Zhongsheng Chen, Yongmin Yang, Limin Tao, Xuefeng Chen. Effects of crack on vibration characteristics of mistuned rotated blades. Shock and Vibration, 2017(2017): Article ID 1785759.(SCI)
[28] Xin Tang, Zhongsheng Chen, Yue Li, Zheng Hu, Yongmin Yang. Analysis of dynamic sensitivity of hemisphere-shaped electrostatic sensors’ circular array for charged particle monitoring. Sensors, 2016, 16: 1403.(SCI 1区)
[29] Xin Tang, Zhongsheng Chen, Yue Li, Zheng Hu, Yongmin Yang. Theoretical analysis and finite element method simulations on dynamic sensitivity of hemisphere-shaped electrostatic sensors. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8(8): 1–16.(SCI)
[30] HailongXu, Zhongsheng Chen, YepingXiong, Yongmin Yang, Limin Tao. Nonlinear dynamic behaviors of rotating blades with small breathing cracks based on vibration power flow analysis. Shock and Vibration, 2016(2016): Article ID 4197203.(SCI)
[31] Jun Lin, Zheng Hu, Zhong-Sheng Chen, Yong-Min Yang, Hai-Long Xu. Sparse reconstruction of blade tip-timing signals for multi-mode blade vibration monitoring. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 85(12): 250–258.(SCI 1区)
[32] Bin Guo, Zhongsheng Chen, Congcong Cheng, Yongmin Yang. Characteristics of a nonlinear rotating piezoelectric energy harvester under variable rotating speeds. International Journal of applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2015, 47: 411–423.(SCI)
[33] Zheng Hu, Jun Lin, Zhong-Sheng Chen, Yong-Min Yang, Xue-Jun Li. A non-uniformly under-sampled blade tip-timing signal reconstruction method for blade vibration monitoring. Sensors, 2015, 15: 2419-2437.(SCI 1区)
[34] YantingLuo, Yongmin Yang, Zhongsheng Chen. Self-tuning wireless power transmission scheme based on on-line scattering parameters measurement and two-side power matching. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4332(4):1-4.(SCI)
[35] Jun Lin, Zhong-Sheng Chen, Zheng Hu, Yong-Min Yang ,Xin Tang. Analytical and numerical investigations into hemisphere-shaped electrostatic sensors. Sensors, 2014, 14: 14021-14037.(SCI 1区)