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    袁川来,男,197211月出生,湖南衡东人,中共党员,教授,硕士生导师。澳大利亚Curtin University 访问学者(2018-2019)。株洲市高层次人才(市级领军人才)。

Email:chuanlai1972@163.com    Tel:13873395945




[1] 袁川来, Yongyi Liao, Lingshuang Kong, Huiqin Xiao. Fault diagnosis method of distribution network based on time sequence hierarchical fuzzy petri nets. Electric Power Systems Research, 2021, 191,1-11 (SCI二区)

[2] 袁川来Dongning Shi et al. Active Damping Resonance Suppression and Optimization of Photovoltaic Cluster Grid Connected System. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2021,16(5), 2509-2521 (SCI)

[3] 袁川来Lingshuang Kong,Weilong zhou and Guangming Liu.Energy Saving Optimal and Numerical Simulation of New Car Engine Vane Pump.International Journal of Control and Automation.2016,10:209-218EI

[4] 袁川来Zhang Yueyi, Xiao Shenping, Kong Lingshuang. Design and Research of Novel Industry Robot Wrist Force Multidimensional Sensor. SensorTransducers Journal, 2014, 168(4): 81-86. (EI)

[5] 袁川来Zhang Yueyi, Xiao Shenping, Kong Lingshuang. Design of Temperature Compensation Module of the Industrial Robot Wrist Force Sensor Based on Multivariate Regression Method. SensorTransducers Journal, 2014, 172(6): 13-20. (EI)

[6] 袁川来Lingshuang Kong, Can Hu and Weilong zhou. Design and Experimental Research of Agricultural Low Power Single-phase Frequency Conversion Control System Based on SPWM .The Open Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal, 2015, 9: 490-495. (EI)

[7] 袁川来Zhou Weilong, Nie Hui, Zou Bin. The Application of Wavelet Transform in Date Pretreatment of Six-dimension Wrist Force Sensor. The Third International Conference on Intelligence System Design and Engineering Applications, 2013, Hong Kong, pp: 1396-1399.

[8] 袁川来,肖伸平,孔玲爽. 污泥纠缠环境下机器人视觉摆脱规划路径的方法. 控制工程, 2014, 21(3): 365-368.CSCD核心库)

[9] 袁川来, 廖庸邑, 孔玲爽, 刘建华. 时间约束的改进分层模糊Petri网的配电网故障诊断方法[J]. 电子测量与仪器学报, 2020, 34(03): 126-134 (CSCD核心库).

[10] Li Bo, Tingting Li, Li Li Yang Hui, 袁川来(通讯作者). An Improved Algorithm of Spatial Difference MUSIC for Direction of Arrival Estimation in a Smart Antenna[J]. The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 2015, 9: 1511-1516. (EI)

[11] Bo Li, Tingting Li, 袁川来(通讯作者).Precursor Gas Sensor Detection and Recognition Based on Metrology Method[J]. International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing2015, 8(4): 317-326. (EI)


[1] 主持湖南省自然科学基金重点项目“新型汽车机油泵的节能降噪优化控制策略研究”(2015JJ5025),已结题,20万元;

[2] 主持横向合作项目(湖南省机油泵股份有限公司)“机油泵辅助电驱动系统开发及应用”(会签单编号:2017-005),已结题,20万元;

[3] 主持湖南省科技厅科技计划项目“一种新型工业机器人腕力传感器的研究”(2012GK3087),已结题;

[4] 主持湖南省“十三五”教育规划课题“新工科背景下电气类创新人才产教融合培养的机制研究”(湘教通科规通【20183号),在研;

[5] 主持湖南省高等学校教学改革研究项目“基于卓越工程师培养计划的电气类创新人才培养研究与实践”(湘教通【2013223号),已结题。

[6]  国家自然科学基金项目“基于动态概率分布的复杂流程工业混合过程鲁棒优化方法研究” ( 61203136)。25.00万。已结题


